Wednesday, June 4, 2008


when we arrived at Frisco it seemed Koo i wasn't expecting on walking a lot. we kinda did but it was a whatever. you can tell wen your headed to the Castro because of the flags and the types of stores they have there. the Castro wasn't how i thought it would be. i thought it was going to be like a plain street but no it was the opposite they were hills and i hate walking hill so i kinda didn't like going over there, but i heard that they have some good restaurants. i would recommend for people to go just so they wont be stuck at there house


LaUrA said...

HaHa yEA the stores were very different it was koo tough=]

Anonymous said...

yup th stores were veru different.. i thought that BRIAN se hiba a quedar alla...LOL!!!! HAHAHAHAH but it was fun